Sample Preparation
Cell Separation
Flow Cytometry
Cell Culture&Stimulation
Cell manufacturing
Imaging and Microscopy
Human peripheral blood cells after erythrocyte lysis were stained with REAlease CD41/CD61-VioGreen™ (B) or with the corresponding REAL Control (A). REAlease CD41/CD61-VioGreen was released using the REAlease Release Reagent (C). To show epitope accessibility after REAlease Complex release, the cells were washed with the REAlease Stop Reagent and restained with REAlease CD41/CD61-VioGreen (D). Cells were labeled with CD42a antibodies in addition and analyzed by flow cytometry using the MACSQuant ® Analyzer. Cell debris and dead cells were excluded from the analysis based on scatter signals and propidium iodide (PI) fluorescence. |
A: | B: |
C: | D: |
Human peripheral blood cells after erythrocyte lysis were stained with REAlease CD41/CD61 Complexes or with the corresponding REAL Control (left images) as well as with CD42a antibodies and analyzed by flow cytometry using the MACSQuant ® Analyzer. Cell debris and dead cells were excluded from the analysis based on scatter signals and propidium iodide (PI) fluorescence. |