The transient, non-integrative expression of key developmental regulators, recombinases or markers via mRNA transfection is a powerful tool for modulating cell fate.
The StemMACS™ mRNA Transfection Reagent has been selected for its minimal cytotoxicity and high transfection efficiency. It is therefore particularly suited for sensitive cell lines such as pluripotent stem cells and complex transfection schedules that involve repeated mRNA delivery over several days. The StemMACS™ mRNA Transfection Kit has been successfully used for transfection of primary human fibroblasts and the generation of iPS cell lines by mRNA reprogramming.
For satisfactory transfection results, use a transfection protocol optimized for your specific cell type. StemMACS™ eGFP mRNA or StemMACS™ Nuclear eGFP mRNA allow easy evaluation of transfection efficiency and are recommended as positive controls.